Sunday, November 24, 2013

About this Blog

Hey guys! Soooo this is my first time writing a blog, and im really excited :D I can be pretty hyper, and have the biggest fiction addiction you will probably ever encounter. I am obsessed with movies, TV shows, books.... especially books ;) and anything else related to made up things and imagination.

In this blog I will mainly post book, movie, and TV reviews for different young adult and adult series. :) Also, you can see and learn different things about me to the right ----> where I have different pages and you can see some of my artwork and learn about some pretty strange obsessions I have... mainly Finnick and Aiden <3. And to answer the question that is going through your head: yes, ok, its weird how much I love them - I'm a teen cut me some slack... I only get to be like this for a short period of time before it gets really, REALLY weird ;) [probably already is] 

Anyway hope you like my blog!!

P.s. Feel free to recommend shows or books or whatever you want to me!! I'm always open to suggestions